What are Dental Veneers?

By definition, dental veneers are wafer-thin shells applied directly over teeth custom designed to improve your smile and tooth’s appearance. They are applied to the teeth using a bonding technique that allows the dentist to change the veneer’s color, shape, size, or length for the best possible fit. Dental veneers are typically made from porcelain, but may also be made from composite resin. While they may differ in material, the outcome or appearance is the same.

Why Would I Want Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are used to fix or correct a variety of issues. But many people actually opt for veneers as a quick fix to imperfections in their teeth. For instance, people who have to attend a wedding and want to look their absolute best may consider dental veneers just in time for the big day. Or perhaps you have an important meeting that you want to make a memorable first impression on; dental veneers are a great way to get the smile you’re seeking.

Dental veneers are commonly used to correct:

  • Stained or discolored teeth – regardless of severity
  • Teeth that appear worn down from wear and tear
  • Misaligned teeth – uneven or irregularly shaped
  • Gapped teeth
  • Teeth with chips or small fractures
  • Broken teeth

What to Expect from the Dental Veneers Procedure

It’s important to understand that if you decide you want dental veneers, then you must plan for 2-3 trips to your dentist. The 1st trip is for an initial consultation by your dentist, in which molds will be collected and sent to the dental laboratory in order to custom create your veneers. This may take 1-2 appointments depending on certain factors. The final trip involves application of the veneers by your dentist.

Dental veneers made today often last several years – up to roughly 10 years if they are well taken care of, including routine maintenance such as brushing & flossing. There are no special instructions to follow when sporting dental veneers, other than to be gentle with them to prevent chips or cracks.

Contact Your Lakewood Veneers Specialists Today

Our Lakewood dentists specialize in the application of dental veneers. If you would like to learn more information regarding dental veneers including the procedure, costs, or other inquiries, then please contact our office @ (562) 938-9514 or contact us online using our online contact form.